Stride Leadership Apps

Stride Leadership 2.0.0
Stride is the revolutionary leadership app built to help becomeaconfident leader. For too long, we’ve been taught thatleadershipis an elite act that’s linked to your job title. Now youholdleadership development in your hand, regardless of your age,jobtitle, or seniority. With Stride, you’ll learn what it trulymeansto lead, and how to do it. We’ll bust common myths andyou’lldiscover which style of leadership is the best fit foryou.Designed by leadership and design experts, Stride will helpyoulearn the mindset required, the basics of leadership,andtechniques for dealing with inevitable challenges. Whetheryou’renew to leadership or you’re a seasoned professional you’lllovelearning and forming new habits with Stride. - Build adailyreflection habit - Bitesize content so you can learn toleadanywhere - Share your learning journey with your teammates,manageror mentor - Personalized learning path (leadership stylequiz,content suggestions) - Track your progress over time Sincefoundingin 2019, more than 1000 people have used Stride to buildnewleadership muscles. Here’s some of the nice things you’vesaidabout Stride: “Stride has completely changed my view ofleadership.I used to think - I don’t manage people or have a teamso I can’tbe a leader. Stride has taught me I already was a leader.BeforeStride, I used to think - who am I to think I can do this?now Ithink - I am a leader” - Sharon “I’m having differentconversationswith my team - and they’ve noticed and my manager hasnoticed I’mtalking about my team in a new way - a better way” -Richard“Within the first minute of using Stride, I felt seen,validated,supported & empowered. Can't describe how importantthis is tome (as an introverted woman) to access leadershiptraining” - AoifeStride is built by a small team, dedicated todemocratizingleadership development. We’d love to know how we canmake Strideeven better for you, so get in touch [email protected] ortweet us @strideldr